Feb 23, 2022 | Carolyn Hawthorne | 610 views
YSE U11 Raise & Donate $2500 to Kids Help Phone
It is with pride and honour that on Pink Shirt Day 2022 we announce that our YSE U11 team is donating $2,500 to Kids Help Phone.
The team raised the money by selling "Be A Buddy Not a Bully" facemasks in our local communities. Orders even came in from the US and Eastern Canada as word spread quickly about the project.
Perhaps an even higher impact will be the 800 masks that are worn by people supporting the anti-bullying message and spreading awareness that Bullying should not be tolerated.
Unfortunately, many kids are affected by bullying. Bullying can affect a person’s feelings, relationships, self-esteem and sense of safety. It can also make people feel uncomfortable in everyday situations at home, work or school. Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.
We hope our donation helps youth get the help they need to live happier and safer.
For more information, advice, or help with Bullying, visit KidsHelpPhone https://kidshelpphone.ca/