Oct 29, 2018 | Rob Schmidt | 1204 views
YSE Minor Bantam at Halloween Haunt Sunday October 28th
If you have to practice on Halloween Night I guess the next best thing is an outing to Halloween Haunt at Canada's Wonderland!
13 Players and Assistant Coach "Looch" braved the chilly elements for a scary, fun filled night. Only 1 casualty and that was Andrew's YSE Ball Cap got blown off his head on the "Vortex" ride. Lost & Found report filed.
The rides were a plenty before a group dinner at the Backlot Café and then off to the Halloween Haunt for an early preview of mazes, attractions and more rides.
I understand the group stayed together, some closer together than others would have liked with some pretty solid grips, screams & cries of "please save me"!
Thanx to Coach "Looch" for being the Chaperone for the evening … just a Big Kid at heart.
They may not get to "Trick or Treat" on Halloween but the Orthodontists will be happy.